
Updated Rules of Japanese Shogi Chess, Simple, Everyone Understands

Understand Japanese Shogi rules and play every day at NEW88 willcan help you improve your intelligence, reasoning and reflexes. The following article will update the rules and how to play Japanese Shogi chess in detail, please continue to follow!
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An overview of Japanese Shogi flags

Shogi is also known as “Chinese Chess” or “Chinese Chess” in Japanese. This is a traditional Japanese board game, known in Vietnam as “Japanese Chess”. The main goal in Shogi is to capture and kill the opponent’s king to win.

Rules of playing Japanese Shogi is a combination of Chess (with each row having 8 pieces) and Chinese Chess (with needing to arrange 3 rows to place all the pieces). However, Shogi offers a unique and different experience. Although, all three types of chess have their origins in ancient Indian games.

Shogi is played on a 9×9 board. That means there are a total of 81 squares of the same color and they are usually made from wood or hard plastic. The first three squares on your side are called the “Home Field”, while the first three squares on the opponent’s side are called the “Enemy Field”. The three middle squares of the chessboard are often where the most fierce battles between the two sides take place.

Updated detailed Japanese Shogi chess rules

If you want to know how to play Japanese Shogi and quickly become a proficient chess player, you need to hold fish chess rules specifically as follows:

Regulation about chess pieces

Each side participating in Shogi will have a total of 20 chess pieces of the same size and shape. Includes the following pieces: 1 King, 1 Rook, 1 Bishop, 2 Gold Generals, 2 Silver Generals,9 pawns, 2 Horse pieces, 2 Xa pieces. To distinguish the ranks of the chess pieces, players must identify them through the Chinese characters on each piece.

According to Japanese Shogi rules, initially on the chessboard there will be a total of 40 pieces of the same size. The distinction between the chess pieces of the two factions is made through the direction of the pointed tip on each piece. If the tip points towards the player, it is his piece, and if it points towards the opponent, it is the enemy’s piece.
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Each chess piece is designed with two sides: the front initially has black Chinese characters to write the name. In Japanese Shogi rules, when a piece is promoted, the player turns its back face up. The back side is often printed with red Chinese characters distinct from the original black side, indicating that the piece has been promoted. However, the King and Yellow General pieces do not have this red letter and cannot be promoted.

Japanese Shogi chess rules for each piece

The way each Shogi piece works is different and each participant needs to know it by heart to move it correctly. Specifically chess rules with each chess piece as follows:

  • King: Move or capture a piece 1 space in all directions on the chessboard.
  • Yellow General: Move 1 space in all directions except 2 diagonal spaces back.
  • General Silver: Move 1 square in 4 diagonal lines with 1 square moving forward. Once promoted, the Silver General moves like the Gold General.
  • Statue: Rules of playing Japanese Shogiallows moving an unlimited number of squares along two intersecting diagonals at the Bishop’s position, as long as it is not blocked. After being promoted, the Bishop’s movement range expands by 1 square forward, 1 square behind, 1 square to the right and 1 square to the left, similar to the King.
  • Rook: Move an unlimited number of squares along two horizontal and vertical lines intersecting at the Rook’s position, as long as it is not blocked. After being promoted, the Rook’s movement range expands by 2 diagonal cells forward and 2 diagonal cells backward, similar to the King.
  • Code: In Japanese Shogi rules, The knight moves in an L shape, but only moves forward as shown (2 ways) and can jump over other pieces. When he reaches rank 8 or 9, Ma is promoted and moves like the Golden General.
  • Huong Xa: Can only move vertically, forward. After being promoted, Huong Xa’s movement range is expanded like that of General Vang.
  • Good: Can go straight 1 cell ahead. After being promoted, the Pawn’s movement range is expanded to that of a Golden General.

Japanese Shogi rules and moves

How to arrange a Shogi chess board

In the chessboard, mEach side will arrange 20 chess pieces Japanese Shogi rules. As follows:

  • Last row: The pieces are arranged symmetrically. In the center is a King piece. From inside to outside, order: General Gold, General Silver, Ma, Huong Xa respectively.
  • Second row: There are only 2 checkers. The Rook is on the player’s right, placed on the right Knight. The Bishop is on the player’s left, placed on the left Knight.
  • Third row: Includes 9 pawns, arranged evenly in 9 short squares.

Hopefully the above article will help you understand better Japanese Shogi rules. From there, you can find the most suitable playing style for yourself and become proficient in this chess game. Wishing you enjoyable and successful experiences in learning and practicing Shogi at NEW88!

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