Pharma Sources Help Pharmaceutical Companies to Integrate Supply Chain

Pharma sources is a professional API industry website service provider, their website integrates demand and supply of wholesale pharmacy supplies, providing store display, supply and demand matching, trade matching, and other services. What makes their website different from other integrated websites is that they have focused on matching supply and demand for many years, and they provide efficient advertising services and promotion display services to meet the needs of companies and buyers. Take a look at the details of their integrated website.
Pharma sources are known for their efficient and useful display system. And Pharma sources also offer advertising services to companies, which can have a substantial impact on the economic efficiency of the companies that will benefit from this high-end supply chain integration platform.
Advertising Services
Pharma sources’ advertising services are designed to provide strong traffic and high exposure, allowing API companies to stand out from their competitors.
Pharma sources, as a senior pharmaceutical online website, has been working in the industry for more than 10 years, with monthly traffic of over 4.33 million visitors at most to gain massive exposure opportunities. Large traffic is conducive to bringing more demand and order volume for enterprises.
Multiple platforms go hand in hand, the official website, WeChat, WeChat subscription number, graphic push, and P2P marketing, directly hit the pharmaceutical R&D and production people, really achieving the information channel through.
Innovative use of WeChat video accounts to show the enterprise brand strength in the form of video, achieving fission dissemination in the WeChat circle. Much more diverse forms, and more efficient dissemination.
Through email marketing, we connect with the international community, create global demand, push to the majority of target audiences, and efficiently deliver corporate information.
Seek further information by visiting Pharma sources’ site.