
Heart Health Protected by Mindray’s AED Products

World Heart Day is celebrated every year on September 29. This special day for the heart gives us a chance to take a break from our busy lives and think about how to protect our hearts and our health. As knowledge of heart health becomes more widespread, more and more people are recognizing the importance of heart health, and more people are becoming familiar with automated external defibrillators, the “miracle device” that saves lives in cardiac arrest. Mindray is a cutting-edge, high-quality AED company, and its products are not only highly technical but also highly user-friendly. Take a look at the details.

Innovative Mindray

With increasing investment in research and development, Mindray’s AED products have undergone several iterations, with two innovations: a large 7-inch color screen mounted on the AED and the integration of IoT functions on the device.

The former is mainly in consideration of the first aid scene, the rescuer’s “anxiety causes mistake” psychology, through ” animation + voice assistance ” can do effective guidance.

In addition, the system will identify whether the user is a novice according to the operation time, the novice will get more detailed voice and animation guidance.

The latter is Mindray’s self-developed management system, which can quickly check whether the equipment is normal, electrode and battery power, etc. For the maintenance of AED products, this system greatly improves efficiency and ensures that the AED is in working order when it needs to be used. Without this system, the AED is used less frequently, and sometimes it will happen to use when the power is dead or broken, and this is undoubtedly fatal.

Seek detailed information about Mindray at their official website!

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