Electrical Business Loan Request

Desired Market
Due to the continued growth of industry within the state of Illinois as well as in the Decatur area for a home base, all indicators point to a large demand for electrical contractors. There is still a growing pattern of single-family and multifamily units within the Decatur and Tatum county area. Existing units as to repair and maintenance would also be included in said market.
Will include all electrical contractors within the state of Illinois. The competition most close at hand will be in the Decatur area where there are as many as 180 registered electrical contractors. Only 60 of these contractors are listed by the yellow pages. The companies registered in the yellow pages in Tatum County are from the eastern side of the county only.
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Market Stability
Due to new construction and existing units within Decatur and Tatum County as well as the entire state of Illinois there is no limit to business to be generated. Many single-family dwellers are adding on additional rooms to their homes which will also need wiring. Daily homeowners have electrical problems that are too small for the larger electrical companies to realize a profit from.
Source of Supplies and Equipment
Supplies for the company will come from the numerous electrical supply distributors in the Tatum County, Illinois area. A limited amount of supplies will be stored at the business location. When jobs require additional supplies, they will be purchased as needed. With the expansion of the company growth in equipment will incur.
Labor Pool
The employees for the company will come predominately from Richland Community College graduates. All workers will begin on a part-time basis and as the business grows they will become full-time employees.
Optional Business Area of Expansion
Illinois issues an unlimited Electrical Contractors License which will allow the company to expand into the states of Missouri, Kentucky, and Indiana. This will leave the door open for future expansion.
The staff will include myself on a full-time basis with the help of one part-time helper. The helper is a close friend who is not interested in full-time employment. Other staff will be added according to need for each individual job. The market for such short-term helpers is plentiful due to numerous graduates from the Richland Community College who are looking for work.
Many trained retired military persons live in the Decatur area that are seeking part-time employment. Physical Qualifications: Have good general physical health being able to lift 50 pounds. All workers should be able to stoop, bend, and crawl. They must be able to work in small limited areas such as attics and crawl spaces which may have intense heat at times.
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